Myron referred to the forum on our SDADA website. Unfortunately, this forum has never been used. As members, we can use this forum to discuss a variety of topics.
In my discussions with dealer-members on my phone calls, several mentioned the idea of using a forum to discuss issues among each other. This is the tool we have to do that.
We can ask other dealers for advice on OEM issues. We can discuss regulatory and legislative issues. We can ask each other for or offer advice on a variety of topics.
You must log in to the SDADA website to use the forum. The link only appears when you are logged in. Only members will have access.
You start by clicking on the “Create Topic” link and then name the topic. My advice is to be as precise with the forum topic as possible to give others a good idea of the discussion.
Try to stay on topic with your remarks. If you have something that may be off topic, feel free to start another topic. All members can comment on any topic or on any other comment. You can also upload a file of less than 20 MB.
You can subscribe to the forum to receive notification of new posts. You can receive a daily update digest, weekly update digest or an immediate update whenever there is a new post.
My single admonition is to remind you to adhere to FTC Antitrust Regulations.
Please consider using this tool to advance our association’s communication. I would suggest that, at a minimum, you log in and subscribe to a weekly digest to know the topic being discussed!
You can do that right here: