Bills that reached final disposition Fully Colored, Red = Killed, Green = Passed
For further and more detailed information about any of these Bills or other Bills, go to the website:


HB 1086

Clarify a provision related to the award of punitive damages in a wrongful death action.

Position: Support

Summary: This bill clarifies that punitive damages are not allowed in wrongful death actions, limiting compensation to damages proportionate to the pecuniary injury suffered by the action's beneficiaries. This will help to deter nuclear verdicts.

Status: Died in House Judiciary


Reduce employer contribution rates and increase the administrative fee rate for reemployment assistance


Summary: Introduced by the SD Department of Labor, this bill proposes increasing the Reemployment Insurance administrative fee paid by employers from 0.02% to 0.08% in 2026, raising $3 million annually to offset rising costs, maintain service levels, meet federal performance metrics, and preserve a reduced FUTA tax rate, saving employers from paying up to $420 per employee annually without the reduction.

Status: Passed Senate Commerce and Energy

SB 45

Impose a motor vehicle technology fee to support and enhance technology used to administer motor vehicle services, and to make an appropriation therefor.

Position: Support

Summary: This bill establishes a $2 nonrefundable motor vehicle technology fee for certain transactions, creating a fund to support, maintain, and enhance technology for motor vehicle services.

Status: Passed to Senate Transportation and referred to Appropriations

SB 67

Establish the state office of apprenticeship within the Department of Labor and Regulation.

Position: Support

Summary: Creates an apprenticeship for many industries which includes automotive and trucking

Status: Died on Senate Floor

SB 117

Allow a dealer in motor homes or recreational park trailers to construct and operate campsites at a dealership location.

Position: Support

Summary: This would allow camper dealers to have on-site campsites.

Status: Died in Senate Commerce & Energy

SB 131

Establish an electronic system for vehicle titles.

Position: Support

Summary: E-Title will help dealers as well as consumers and deter fraud from happening. We strongly support this bill.

Status: Passed Senate Transportation put on Consent

SB 175

Create provisions governing litigation financing.

Position: Support

Summary: Establishes regulations for litigation financing in South Dakota, requiring litigation financers to be licensed, imposing disclosure and fiduciary requirements, capping recoverable amounts, prohibiting foreign involvement, and setting penalties for violations.

Status: Assigned to Senate Judiciary


HB 1037

Repeal the tax collection allowance credit for filing returns and remitting taxes electronically.

Position: Oppose

Summary: Currently retailers receive a credit for filing and remitting taxes electronically this bill would eliminate that

Status: Assigned to House Appropriations

HB 1048

Require that cash be accepted for certain transactions

Position: Oppose

Summary: This bill burdens auto dealers by mandating cash acceptance, adding inefficiencies, and requiring extra paperwork for transactions over $10,000, complicating operations and discouraging modern payment methods.

Status: Killed in House Commerce and Energy

HB 1065

Repeal the requirement that an adult occupant of a motor vehicle in forward motion must wear a safety belt

Position: Oppose

Summary: This repeals the seat belt mandate, which is linked to federal funding that the state would lose for roads.

Status: Killed in House Transportation

HB 1138

Reduce a maximum property tax mill levy on owner-occupied single-family dwellings for school district general funds, and to repeal certain sales tax exemptions.

Position: Oppose

Summary: repeals certain sales tax exemptions that benefit dealers.

Status: Assigned to House State Affairs

HB 1191

Subject advertising services to a gross receipts tax, and to allocate proceeds to property tax relief.

Position: Oppose

Summary: Adds tax to advertising.

Status: Assigned to House State Affairs

SB 107

Exempt trailer manufacturers and trailer dealers from certain provisions regarding motor vehicle dealer license requirements.

Position: Oppose

Summary: This would hurt a lot of dealerships in South Dakota and it is an attack on the franchise system we rely on.

Status: Passed Senate Transportation, Passed Senate

SB 179

Modify requirements for off-road vehicle dealers at special events.

Position: Oppose as written (Needs Amendment to be okay)

Summary: Increases special events from 2 days to 7 days in any county as long as the dealer is licensed in the state.

Status: Assigned to Senate Transportation


HB 1045

Create a share the road speciality license plate.

Position: Watch

Status: Died in House Transportation

HB 1117

Modify requirements on the use of mobile electronic devices while driving.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed House Transportation with Amendment 1117A

HB 1125

Create a share the road emblem specialty plate.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed House Transportation with Amendment 1125A

HB 1129

To provide for the transfer of motor vehicles and boats upon death.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed House Transportation, Passed House

HB 1175

Establish the crime of aggravated careless driving and provide a penalty therefor.

Position: Watch

Status: Withdrawn

SB 3

Increase driver license fees.

Position: Watch

Status: Assigned to Senate Appropriations

SB 60

Expand the access and investigatory authority of the state auditor.

Position: Watch

Summary: AG Bill, In its current form it allows the State Auditor to have access to private business records. This causes concern if there is not cause. Amendment is coming, which should allow us to be neutral, bill was amended 

Status: Passed Senate State Affairs, Passed Senate Floor


Amend the definition of principal residence with regard to driver's licenses to conform to voter registration requirements.

Position: Watch

Status: Died in Senate State Affairs


Require an indication of United States citizenship status on a motor vehicle operator’s license or permit

Position: Watch

Status: Passed Senate State Affairs with Amendment 75B, Passed Senate

SB 93

Prohibit payment or rebate of insurance deductibles by contractors providing motor vehicle repair services.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed Senate Commerce and Energy, Passed Senate

SB 116

Revise and repeal provisions related to street racing prohibitions and to provide a penalty therefor.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed Senate Judiciary with Amendment 116B

SB 135

Exempt a motor vehicle insurer from a certain title fee.

Position: Watch

Status: Passed Senate Transportation with Amendment 135A

SB 174

Include certain types of vehicles in the abandoned titling process.

Position: Watch

Status: Assigned to Senate Transportation

SB 186

Establish standard time in this state.

Position: Watch

Status: Referred to Senate State Affairs

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